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#How to set gif as wallpaper apple watch for free
We offer solutions for Android-related problems for free so if you have an issue with your Android device, simply fill in the short questionnaire in this link and we will try to publish our answers in the next posts. If you are one of the users who encounters a problem with your device, let us know. That’s it! You have now customized your Galaxy Watch Active face.If you recently downloaded the GIF you meant to set, then it should appear towards the top of this list. Tap the picture icon in the top-left of your screen.

How to customize a Galaxy Watch Active Watch Face with a photo | Use your image as Watch face Being able to create custom wallpapers for your Apple Watch faces so easily is wonderful. This short tutorial will show you how to customize a Galaxy Watch Active Watch Face with a photo. If you can’t seem to find a Watch Face you like, try using your favorite photo instead.